Warning: This page contains information on the murder of a police officer -
that is being covered up by the Lincoln Police Department. Martin "Marty" Ortiz - listed as suicide.
New dirty guns being created by Jason Ortiz and company is also described.
Lance Rinne and Jason Ortiz drive supplying and starting as many kids
as young as 10 on drugs. They put drugs in drinks (including educators) - manipulate the
police and massively gas light others to spread false information. Lincoln, Nebraska
is falling behind the other cities in the region as drugs and crime drive away capable people,
while these two hover with the cops consulting on how to advance the town. Jason Ortiz and
Haberfeld (using the police and Oritz's scam crews) drive out people that have contributed massively to the history of products and
companies in town so they can be the big men downtown. Downtown Lincoln is all but blighted - they're
Why isn't this dead officer listed with the other dead Lincoln Police Department officers?
The tomb is in Lincoln Memorial, which is on the south side of town near the YMCA -
not the Cavalary Cemetary where an active duty fallen officer would normally lay in
Notice how he's not even marked as LPD - his family was probably not on good terms with
the LPD since they just took the suicide on face value.
If you meet Jason, you'll know he aint the kind to commit suicide - so I'm sure his 34 year old
father no way in hell committed suicide - but just the same you can tell his family are cheap
hustlers that give hispanics a bad name they don't deserve.
This is the crew that has massively supplied and dealed drugs into Lincoln, NE junior high schools.
The people that "get em started" as Lance would say.
Think of my situation - 12 years old and a couple bodies already
from scams put on my by Lance Rinne and Jason Ortiz crew. "Bodies". I just
wanted to get out of high school someday and not get anyone else connected or involved,
so my solution was to hang around these people as much as possible - because if
someone gets hurt and it's one of them - fine. At least I didn't spread this to
more people - Rinne is a nasty infection - and this story lays out he got a cop
killed with his scamming before he even reached 9th grade.
I do warn those listed here that have fraudulently brought the police guns against me -
we're at the point where one of the cops has tried to do me in. When you take my security and safety away
you should consider your own.
One cop is dead due to Lance and Jason's lies - please everyone (police included) check out any and everything
these people and their friends say. One cop is dead. Please stop arresting and harassing
innocent people for drug dealers that supply kids. Please. Please.
Jason Ortiz and company's lies are a little
too thick for the LPD to see through - so the LPD is their tool - and Lincoln has unlimited cheap
drugs - and a culture to start kids early on them.
Always full vet stories that involve bodies - including this one. Please vet everything -
don't accept this as truth without checking - but please don't accept
Lance Rinne or
Ortiz or John Boldt and their listeners stories without huge vetting.
There is already one dead cop from Lance Rinne's scams - beware.
Need to find shady bankers? Look no further than Jason Matthew Ortiz (1/31/1974)
Let me empahsize my motivation - these are the thugs that have moved mass amounts of hard drugs down into schools to
people as young as 10. They accuse others of their crimes, using a range of soft and hard influence.
One of those falsey accused of a hideous and felonous crime was me - via Jason Ortiz - then Ortiz and his
crew has continued
to harass me for 30+ years to keep their lies going - it's time I told Jason and friends how his dirty cop dad actually died.
Ever hear about officer Martin Ortiz's passing from the LPD? No - he was dirty and
they bury such stuff - but he didn't have to die until Rinne and his son followed in his example.
Jason Ortiz accused me of drugging a teacher - I didn't do it - his friends not only did it - they supplied
massive LSD and Methamphetamines into Pound Jr. High in Lincoln, Nebraska. His uncle Michael Ortiz worked there as a teacher.
This was a key element that messed my family up forever - yet Jason continues to harrass and cost me money. Please help shine light on Jason
and his crew so it's a lot harder for them to deal drugs to kids. Is Jason even human?
Lincoln Nebraska has a HARD DRUG problem in it's middle schools, and the following crew has supplied it greatly -
led by people like Jason Ortiz and Lance Rinne.
Jason Ortiz has the influencing connections to teachers, cops and drug dealers. Ortiz puts the blame on others while his
closest friends and partners ship the drugs to kids.
Eric Leyden is an example of one of Jason's friends who has a history of enforcing for this group using a bat.
The art teacher - John Carey (was he a talent recruiter for Franklin Credit Union?) was a 40 year old guy plying junior high boys with drugs - was he also molesting them?
Jason and him had a special connection - maybe that's where Jason got messed up - when Carey was hitting him from behind.
Lincoln, Nebraska folk legends Brian Johnson (Eric Leyden's next door neighbor) and Lonzo
Bustos (Jason's cousin) partied wtih John Carey and cooked up the drugs for the town! Eric Leyden
(Jason's thug that
that likes to use baseball bats - i.e. Brian Piontek) - he and Jason have an open threat to burn my house down - he's the Nebraska Club chef
that works at
Legacy Retirement. This caused Eric's dad
to have a heart attack shortly after Jason's supposeddly killed himself - all around this time - sometimes
people get a taste of what they deserve - guess it happened here.
Trail of known suspicious bodies - either murder or drugs from Rinne/Ortiz
1. Marty Ortiz - A plastic bag got him
2. Eric Leyden's dad - induced heart failure - you can't do next door neighbors weeks apart the same way
3. Jason Sailors - Cancer - Rinne supplier
4. Jeff Vachal - Cancer - Ortiz client - mistaken for a dealer
5. Dana Waldrop - Cancer - Ortiz client - mistaken for a dealer - Dana was a super good person
with a high ceiling - then he ran into drug dealer Ortiz - like a lot of others round here.
6. Graham Johnson - Ortiz client - overdose
7. Lisa Lucas (via Brian) - Rinne client - overdose
8. Scott Libby - Rinne pills client and neighbor - overdose
9. Mark Westberg - Ortiz client - cancer
10. Tom Trainor - Rinne client - heart failure
The elder Ortiz and Leyden deaths both happened shortly after Jason and Lanny drugged
the teacher and started blaming other people (not just me - they point different directions
and screwed over a number of families - except their own). Leyden lived across the
road from dirty cop Marty Ortiz - my guess is he got suspicious about a "suicide" from a guy he knew
and got to nosey (ha ha - considering the mountain of meth with this crew).
The others are more spread out and less suspicious - but
so many focused around drug usage provided by the Ortiz/Wann/Rinne crew.
Jason and Eric's dad deserved what they got. Ya, Jason's was a cop, but Jason and Eric
are rollin round dealing drugs, beating peopple, threatening to burn down houses and kill people -
and oh ya - accusing other innocent people of heinous felonies against
a middle school educator. These 2 dads should have brought some discipline
to their criminal boys that sadistically feed on screwing families over
and putting drugs in drinks. Jason lied, and lied a lot more when asked and his dad backed him.
That wasn't enough for Ortiz, he wants more damage on his people helping
Rinne drug people.
There is another dirty cop loose in Lincoln - Officer "Investigator" "LPD officer" (handled by Mark MacKenzie). He used police
orders to stop me from oppossing a restraining order via Mark MacKenzie.
He then used wiretaps to drum up junk charges and arrest two people
from my cell phone. I don't think he's personally into this -
seems some higher ups in the force used to sleep with Lance Rinne
and crew - allowing drug dealing lies from Ortiz, MacKenzie and
Rinne to run the police. Eton "LPD officer" listens and follows Mark
MacKenzie ... does Mark even have good information from his
bevy of trash? LPD fails over and over to get quality information
and instead listen Rinne and Ortiz for facts. We need a new chief.
If the current mayor won't change the chief, we need to change the mayor.
An officer like "LPD officer" thinks he's doing good things for good people -
and Mark seems good - but Mark is stupid and believes Rinne, Boldt
and Ortiz lies.
There are 2 other cops in town Ortiz and Haberfeld (this place started
right after Franklin went down btw - Ralph worked at Franklin Credit
Union before Habereld? Amazing good person?) has after me (~"orders to kiss Ortiz ass
and stay out of downtown - he's a big man and I'm no one") ...
the dirty ones don't like to give out names or badge numbers in Lincoln
- I don't have their names
and badges yet - need to acquire some names and badge numbers so I
can file reports - this is so stupid - why is the LPD the
thugs for the drug dealers? It needs to stop. The guy that did the
works on the elder Leyden and elder Ortiz came from the prison.
The police should always remember - the jail is the house of justice
in the end - put some away for good reason - no issues. There are not
many dirty cops running around on the street anywhere - the house cleans it up
and officers should realize this and make sure not to be dirty -
even if they have a gas lighted leader. Mark MacKenzie and John Boldt
have a huge bucket of garbage - ask them to source it. They won't -
actually they can't. The current police chief and this officer
"LPD officer" don't care - they eat it up as truth. Leaves Lincoln as a
sad drug hole for the middle schools. John Boldt and Ryan Hobelman
are probably the only two people in the world left that support
Lance Rinne's lies. Oh and the O'Gormans ... they are just bone
stupid though, so we can skip them for now. Lance Rinne and Jason
Ortiz drugging an educator and lying about it has caused a dead cop -
isn't it time for these people to stop? The officer "LPD officer" person
came into my house, after i asked him to leave, he took aggressive
steps towards me trying to create an encounter - what to kill me?
How sad this dirty cop is in Lincoln, Nebraska, and operating
to support drug dealers like Mark MacKenzie, Lance Rinne and
Jason Ortiz. I'm not against aggressive cops at all, but stupid ones
that listen to drug dealers and then use force to help them
get their goals - that's a dirty cop. He hired his nephew on the
force - looks like LPD is built for Lincoln to be a drug
hole for a long time. Lets get a new chief - and clean out
these drug thug lovers? Please? I get the current chief
is well liked (and wow isn't she cute too?) - but totally gas
lighted - and he should be able as an invetigator to recognize
even his own cheif is a weak ass ditz that gets gas lighted
by acid and meth dealers. The John Boldt team (more on them another day)
tried to set me up by scamming LPD some years back (LPD/LSO task force
was aimed at me for 18 months - inside my apartment getting my high every day
while I wrote applications - then somehow / some way lots of people
started calling and asking for drugs - seems John got word via Holly -
which comes via Lanny - that a sting was underway - they were tracking me
a "long long" time - they fully knew I just write code and smoke a little pot - there
are good and smart cops in the LSO round here. It was "LPD officer"arious -
Dan (the actual nark - not to my knowledge yet) was sitting there with me on my couch
and my phone was ringing every few minutes with almost everyone I knew that John knew
for a few hours. It was extremely strange. The only pot i ever got officers
from LPD sold me - what an incredible waste of an opportunity to reduce drugs in town -
and Lance gets the heads up on the police actions? OMG. Must have been (at the time Officer) "LPD chief".) - problem was
it was a task force with LSO in it too. The one female cop i remember seeing/meeting
2 years before John and company got into action scamming her task force - how much
gas lighting (and budget) does it take for a 2 year+ task force to focus on me? And come up with
the final and obvious conclusion someone is totally gaming them. What did Rinne and co gas light "LPD chief"
so heavy with - since they're the real thing - i guess they could give her a real story. While this crew
can normally use the LPD at will with Officer/Chief "LPD chief"
running the wheelhouse - the LSO has legit leadership and
busted as many of John's dealers and customers with a couple felonies and prison time.
Boldt gas lights and scams on this still - saying I set him up.
Look scamming LPD is fine - they are easy - the sherrif round here isn't -
heads up to the drug dealers used to the convenience and quality
of using LPD. Gotta give LSO max credit - took a task force (major money) -
that was set to fail from "LPD chief"'s guidance (she did set Brian Bock up successfully) -
and Dan converted it to string the people screwing the cops, and actually put some coke dealers
away - but they were John's crew in Omaha mostly that he was snortin with.
Explain this John - who did I deal
drugs too? So John talks nark stories - does it sound from what's
written on this page I'm the one working with the cops? ...
Another hint - i'm under no obligations - i can talk about whatever
I want - can John or Lanny or Mark or Eric or even Jason say the same?
Ask these people to source their truth - and you'll find out what you more you needed - nothing.
Key thing here about Boldt scamming the cops - he's not as dense as most of the
others on this page (but not that great - scamming the cops is pretty first rate stupid) -
but give him some rope - he and his friends scam the LPD regularly and use it
for their purposes (reference the current chief) - but this time the LSO
was involved and his crew bit it hard. Around ten people I hadn't talked to in years
called me on the same day looking for an once of weed each - i was like wtf? when did
i become a dealer - so I told Dan something odd is happening - the guy that was selling me
the best weed ever for over a year (I didn't realize I was getting the pick of the police vault -
at basement pricing - I admit now I should have smelled deeper - but I never really felt
at risk for buying an ounce of pot - if the city wants to fine or jail me for buying some
pot, lets do it - fine - task force? wow - this had to be Rinne/Boldt lie stream - it's really
these two that have no fear - and then MacKenzie/Trainor to repeat whatever they say as gospel.)
- and he said tell them to come over and you have someone here. So I did.
He didn't bust any of them, he asked them "who the fk sent you" - Boldt. All of them
fessed up Boldt's name - and no big deal - they were little pot pawns. I lost my amazing
and actually unreal pot source - but it was too good to be true I learned - and found out
that several people that had been around my neighborhood for over a year were part of a task force.
Boldt runs scams on a multi organization law enforcement
task force - this is McKenzie and Trainors' "hero" - I mean - the level of this group
simply is bottom. Thing is the task force was after coke and meth - and they totally missed
and found a pot smoker via Rinne - but then Boldt got himself involved and they found
numerous entertaining targets after Boldt manipulated their sting on me. There was no
customers - "LPD chief" had to ask Rinne to help - imagine that - and now she's chief?
Well she's got the allies that could identify and help us rid the suppliers for kids -
I just don't think that's her plan.
And one more note on me being a nark - if I was and reported John Boldt - things would not have
gone for Boldt the way they did - he was fk'd over - and police only do that when you fk
them over - what a story of a bunch of dudes in cells alone and perp walked in front of each other
a couple weeks to get it all sorted out a few of them in jail.
Marty Ortiz listened to Jason's gas lighting and used his police power (similar to "LPD officer") to do
some stupid things (specifically give my dad extreme trouble) to try to force his son's story to be true - he went too far
and it got corrected. This "cute" gas lighting of "LPD chief" and the rest of the cops
needs to stop - there multiple dead people - including a cop - from this. Please
stop listening to Jason and Lanny and anyone that has listened to them
needs to be checked on - and given reasonable information to operate on.
The town is on fire - people are leaving because the LPD is completely broken
and scammers, dealers and thugs are loose and even now running the LPD.
John Boldt has directly and intentionally mislead Mark MacKenzie with the nark story
on me - here's what's sad - this information was all supposed to be kept quiet
for all parties - and John's crew got less jail time for their felonies.
John Boldt don't care in Lincoln though, he knows the LPD is trash - so he'll
spread what he wants on this - and now we're growing a dirty cop because he
follows John and co - and the cop find Mark a warm and believable soul.
So the cop is now judge, jury and executioner for Mark. Mark has limited
capability - he'd probably rate retard if tested - so he's truely a zombie
once drugged and John is plugging him from behind.
So John's experience with Ortiz and
Rinne was that you can game the LPD and it's ok as long as "LPD chief" is there. He just didn't get it's a
special case here with our ditzy chief that eats up Ortiz and Rinne as
first class citizens. And I'm sure the current LPD chief is a fan of
the Ryan Hobelman enforcer - he's got such high integrity backing this group.
These are not Franklin credit union related - this is a bunch of people
dying under 40 all closely linked to Wann/Rinne/Ortiz/Leyden drugs.
The current LPD chief used to run with all these dealers - fine people grow
up and do other things - problem is she didn't realize they were dealer then
and probably doesn't now - Lincoln has mega drugs available and will as
long as she is chief - her friends deal it and she just can't tell....
and I'm not talking about adults - this is the crew that makes sure
10 year olds get acid and meth - the crew Franklin Credit Union
used to recruit from - without meth and acid - how would they recruit
boy hookers? The LPD isn't broken - it works just the way the
mayor and chief want. This LPD chief is going to grow dirty cops
like stink on shit - Lincoln will need 50 of these fixes from the house
of justice. What is so sad is she has based so much of her work on
Lance and Jason's statements - keeping their friends in business
and setting up anyone they don't like - how many have been wrongly set up via this chief?
When they getting out? Make sure they have the info to trace all the way to her -
maybe this saves a few beat cops who were pawns for Rinne's scams.
One cop is already dead due to people believing Rinne and Ortiz lies - does it have to be more?
What do I do when a dirty cop has tried to assault and possibly kill me?
Mark MacKenzie has been gas lighted by John Boldt - the cops roughed up John after he scammed
them - Mark has been told only part of the story with some lies mixed in - and has
a dumb ass cop named Eton "Shawn" "LPD officer" after me. This officer has taken aggressive physical
actions on me while on duty and armed. Mark has a history of dealing drugs to kids,
robbing people and simply being a thug and scam for this Lance Rinne crew - sick.
While I don't think John Boldt directly deals the drugs - his daddy gave him lots of bucks -
he's the guy that helps keep the Omaha coke flowing into Lincoln via connecting friends
from both locations. The cops roughed his world and thru a few of his coke buddies in jail
in Omaha after he scammed the LPD. This wasn't because the LPD detected and handled it -
quite the opposite - the LPD is gas light city - the LSO figured it out and called OPD
.... and bam - cleaned up - i bet John doesn't come to Lincoln nearly as often no more.
This is the kind of thing this crowd does - John scams the cops on some fake narking -
and then calls me a nark and tells Mark a partial story with some well placed lies for
Mark to spread. I narked who - I smoke some pot from time to time - maybe more -
and I buy it - fine - I simply wouldn't know who to nark - an ounce of pot isn't a big
deal - but John and Lanny and Jason are something strange and drugged up. I'll fill this
story more out a nother day - grabbed John and his friends and threw them in separate cells
to question thru them and put some away - when LSO or OPD gets serious - they're
damned good - LPD is ruined at this time. Officer/Captain/Chief "LPD chief" has always
been a tool for the dealers - LPD has stopped even fighting drug dealers at this point -
she would never have been chief had it not been for this really bad mayor who
doesn't even live in town - she lives closer Omaha then Lincoln. I get the current
chief looks and talks good - but there is probably an officer on the force that would
have picked her as chief, or enlisted if she was. LPD can't recruit quality, has lost
all of it's good officers - we need a leader - and this mayor has picked a couple idiot
chiefs after the last one that got mislead and make some mistakes - he should have stayed -
but as an honorable man he left. Cops need to be able to make mistakes, i get that,
and in this case the chief this mayor inherited was a pretty good one with a bad
officer named "LPD chief" that ruined him. Now she's chief - imagine that? Oh and Lincoln
is trashed with massive drugs loose and no companies want to be downtown - except for
Ortiz's - and Ortiz is harassing female programmers and making sure new products are not
written downtown with police pressure - no shit - it's this dumb. Lets get rid of this mayor
and police chief for the sake of Lincoln and downtown please!!!!! Chief "LPD chief"'s heroes are
the protectors and promoters of the biggest sources of drugs for 10 year olds in the towns
history. She should either get this fixed .... now - or leave ... now. It's totally in her
wheelhouse - the junior high drug swamp - her whole career has contributed to making Lincoln
more broken in this area then ever before. The near south area is already losing control -
people are leaving because of the drugs and bad police here...
Ryan Hobelman prides himself in being a thug force for this group - especially Wann - he
was Wann's right hand man thug (although Wann actually brings a lot more beat down force) -
but Ryan also gets if you just put garbage - garbage will come back on you - so he doesn't
talk a lot of stupid himself or take nefarious actions against people just to do it -
he has a sense that shit comes back. Ortiz, Boldt and Rinne seem to lack any sense
that scams and then more scams will eventually burn you - and these guys have had it
come back (Rinne is missing teeth, Ortiz has a dead dad, Boldt had his coke dealer friends
in Omaha put away) - they can't see where they caused any of it and continue on scamming.
Hobelman has seen and assisted moving massive amounts of lsd and meth into middle schools in Lincoln,
but he doesn't try to be a big and known man for it like Ortiz and Rinne. I'm just not sure
what Boldt is - he arrived on the scene late and fell in love with the Rinne way.
Matt Wann had been at least 16 for a year or more (he was driving) when all of this LSD was dealt
into Pound Junior High via Lance and Jason (not sure Ryan really sold - he was a member of the group -
i never saw him do transactions - he's threatens violence to support the others - so it's not like he's
"good") - but if Lance had told the truth about where he got the LSD - Matt Wann would have
been charged as an adult - and this example might very well have changed the town massively
for the better - instead Lance and Jason won - and the town is full of drugs - good for them
i guess - if everyone else is on hard drugs they have a chance to be the big men then.
Sandusky Alert!
Jason Ortiz, Chris Disanka and Matt Wann would start and run a business with older men banging younger boys in showers -
except they hid cameras in bags to record the works. Well known - Jason moved to California for a few years to let this one
die down. Jason could also be known as Sandusky, jr - probably more fitting. Can John Carey be blamed for
getting Ortiz into the male butt banging business? I don't know, but I do know that Jason Ortiz is a big fan of
John Carey.
Jason's wife is pictured here - you would think once someone gets married they would stop
screwing people over and doing hard drugs. Guess not on both counts - news is she had to get
a new kidney - that's the typical sign of heavy hard drug use - goes with Jason I guess.
Oh by the way it's my family Jason screwed over and he continues to screw with me - costing me
money and opportunities. Ya rude to post someone's wife and mention her kidney replacement due to
drug usage - Andrea Jantzen was her maiden name. Stop screwing people over Jason - if it wasn't me
anyone else would have taken a baseball to you by now - you're just getting posted on the internet is all.
Even Jason's dad's death is murkey - a cop in his 30s dies in his garage from carbon monoxide posioning while on duty -
but it's listed as a suicide and no one at LPD talks about it - ever - probably an assisted one.
I mean the guy had two healthy kids, a wife and a job at LPD - yet commits "suicide" in his garage.
I had nothing to do with Jason's family getting f'd over by his fathers crimes - it's too bad he was killed for it.
But Jason comes after my family for no reason - scoring a big hit - and continues to cause me problems intentionally.
I just want Jason and his crew to back off of me - I'm not looking to even the scores - the sum total would
end up with Jason done like his dad was. It's too bad your dad's death was hardly investigated
by the LPD - but I didn't do that to your family - you screwed mine and continue to harass me.
The on duty death LPD doesn't investigate or talk about - what did this dirty cop do?
Like father, like son - Martin setup someone for a crime they didn't commit.
Ryan Hobelman, Ryan Isherwood, John Boldt, Bob Adams and Jason Ortiz collaborate to help
run this scheme - making sure kids around Lincoln get plenty of hard drugs.
Let me be clear Jason, your startup buddy Matt was the older idiot that deals LSD to Lanny. You know this. You think you're a special
scammer; it's your good buddy that is the serious punk that deals acid to someone like Lanny.
Jason Ortiz is someone that regularly celebrates the damage his crew has done to my family - thinks he's
above the law - he can help deal acid and blame others. I don't care his dad was a cop, and this isn't about
Jason using some drugs, this is about endangering underage people - I don't think Jason even understands that
he and his friends are junk - i.e. thousands of acid hits sold to underage people at a school where his family works.
His idea? Get someone else in trouble so his crew can continue?
Let me be specific though, the list supports Lance in all that he does. Lookout for your family,
for your kids, for your friends, these people drug people.
Not only do these freaks put drugs in drinks, they like to blame it on others and then troll them for it.
This Lance Rinne druggie crew caused forever damage to my family; destroyed it. Revenge? No I'm asking
this crew to stop.
Does Lance need to drug people?
Does Dr. Isherwood need to help him? Get the dosing right? I guess at least Lance has a trained pro to help him.
Jason does your favorite teach need drugged - sourced via your hidden camera business buddy Matt.
You were there when the teacher was drugged,
tried to blame me. Ended up f'ing his too life, he was busy doing drugs with you and people knew, that's what kept
Lance in school - and me out of formal trouble as well (was bad for several weeks until the teacher took a closer look
and figured it out it was Lance Rinne). In the end Jason, you totally f'd that art teacher on all sides.
Matt Wann works at the VA in Omaha as a nurse. While he made mistakes long ago - I've never seen him
celebrate what he's done.
JASON ORTIZ I've asked MATT WANN to help back you off of me. STOP DEALING ACID into middle schools.
Jason Ortiz above - with his drug distribution side business - Haberfeld employs him to
capture photos and video - I wonder if they check their bathrooms for hidden cameras...
the banker women are probably worth good bucks online for someone like this!
If any of you remember
that garbage with Chris Disanka recording himself banging boys basketball players in the shower (ya penn st style) -
except in this case Jason helped him setup hidden cameras in his bags to record it.
Jason is a moron that will try to make a quick buck no matter who gets screwed - literally.
Jason Ortiz you were the biggest idiot in this - you told the teacher to go after me (I was there and heard),
after your buddy drugged him, and after your other buddy and business partner sold Lanny the acid.
Let's face it Jason, you were cool enough for the teacher to drug with, and Lance wasn't, that's why he drugged
the teacher - Lance thought it would make them friends - I heard that even from you.... lol. You're a big man cuz
when you're closer to 10 than 20, and the teacher is closer to 50 than 20, you were able to party with him.
What winners. No I don't think the art teacher should have been drugged, but I wasn't never impressed with a 40 year old
teacher tripping and drugging with kids - you're all tops. Matt was several years older too - so Jason has a real
way of hanging out with older druggie people and getting them to get innocent people as he sees fit - I guess it's a talent.
Must be Jason Ortiz and his girlfriend here - no way could someone actually have a family that would destroy mine then continue
to harass me and celebrate the damage they've done - backed by people that use baseball bats to keep controls - think the end of the movie
Casino - ask Lance what happened to his teeth - Jason's crew.
Jason works at Haberfeld and Associates in Lincoln, from what I understand Jason does camera work (not hidden).
Jason Ortiz is an example of the drug problem in Lincoln today, he's busy sending the authorities after no one so his
friends can sell drugs to kids. Jason talks some high up talk, but don't forget his close friends sell hard drugs into
junior high schools, and he's fine with it. Ortiz's best friend likes to beat people with bats, although he's not
the one that batted out Lanny's teeth.
Jason Ortiz works with Sean Payant, Robb Rempel, David Sovey, Carmen Schwab, Preston Afrank, Jenfier Snook -
ask these people why they employ a known camera hider? These names were place here for SEO purposes, lets hope they hit.
Lance works at NTT Data. Don't forget the drug deaths, i.e. Graham, the drugs came from Ortiz's crew.
Barry Hemminger also fits tightly into this group. Dark and continuing history, this group should leave others alone now days.
A few well to do young people died in their teens and twenties in South Lincoln in the 90s and 00s - due to drugs. Jason Ortiz was a common
thread amongst them - and a common thread amongst hard drug dealers - hard meaning meth, coke, acid and those kind of drugs.
I never saw him make a deal with Graham, on the other hand he was the main guy around them that could score hard.
It was Barry Hemminger's car where the acid flowed, even liquid acid, I remember Jason Ortiz dosing Andy Hartman in the eye -
he squirt so much in his eye it rolled down his face, off his tongue and onto his shirt. I never saw Andy in high school again,
another episode of Hemminger and Ortiz wheelin and dealin the acid to school kids, at school. So many kids would play with these
fools and never go to regular school again...
Look these freaks up people, say hi to them - ask Lanny about his teeth, ask Jason about hiding cameras and selling
underage photos online....
Saddest part is Jason Ortiz's uncle was/id a teacher at the school, and he goes on to become "business partners"
with the older person that shipped drugs into the school. And their business was a special one.
Listen to Jason talk, then checkout his actions and friends ... this guy will go into business
with LSD dealers that attack the junior high where his family operates. Jason Ortiz and Ryan Hobelman had
a special bond with Matt - must have provided them cheaper LSD at Pound Jr High. They must have looked up
to the big acid dealer, when I saw Matt's stash, he had probably 20 sheets of 100 hits each of "fresh",
and he was selling the older stuff cheaper. He must have sold 1000s of hits, and a good portion of that
went to not high schools, but instead to at least one junior high schools. There was so much LSD
at Pound, it was a joke, these guys lit the school up. Hobelman and Ortiz like to talk that they're
high class, but when you look at the flow of acid at Pound sourcing from their older best buddy,
they're a sad lie - drugs like LSD don't need to be in schools. I get Matt was their hero,
but shouldn't that color Jason in quite a bit - his hero acid dealer, and his favorite teacher he
smoke pot with.
Drugs have overrun this town, we need more people in Lincoln, NE to start treating selling drugs to kids like
littering got treated in the early 80s - just don't do it. If people come together and
focus on people like Jason and Lanny - and instead of listen to their games and lies so
they can sell pedophile garbage or drug teachers - check out what they do and stand against it.
Selling hard drugs down into junior high school is bad, and I don't think many adults
think kids should get drugs, but Jason goes into business with the big dealer after
accusing others of being what he is - a tilted freak that preys on the underage - all the way
down to a junior high school.
This was written when these fools were still calling the cops on me! The LPD
has since started to leave me alone...
DO NOT ever trust the LPD - I only cooperated with an officer that took me to the emergency
room to be drugged. I didn't accept any drugs - he said I had to go. I ended up with $1k
bill for this stupid episode. .
LPD has problems killing innocents, just refer to the recent report of some guy here to for his
sisters wedding, shot dead in his car by plain clothes cops. There are multiple sexual
assaults by males officers on female officers and civilians proven in court - the vast
majority of these officers that have convictions are still actively on the force.
LPD (Lincoln Police Department) has serious issues, please leave me alone, they've harassed me -
monitored my phone and harassed my friends, when does it stop - all I want is for them
and their favorite drug dealers (some listed here) - to leave me alone. I started this page
3 police chiefs (2 years) ago - and now the solution is to promote an insider to the top.
The Drug Dealers and how they turn out
When you're at an event, and Lance Rinne and crew is there (who put drugs in drinks) - do you let it slide? How about if it's your family and friends - it's ok for this crew to drug people?
Next time who knows who they'll blame it on - could be your kid.
These idiots started dealing acid in junior high school and gone on to bigger and stupider things.
They've organized against me individually - I'm now fighting back against one and all.
This is my attempt to clear this up.
Numerous people on this list have made open ended threats against my well-being.
Ryan Hobelman Ryan Isherwood John Boldt
This crew has dealt hard drugs
(coke conviction).
This crew regularly scams and steals - even leading to many deaths.
This group dreams up and spreads garbage on me - it's been stupid.
This group spreads stories using their customers, i.e. the name (at one time mine) to give
to authorities when busted.
Lance is wearing his fake teeth here, the ones his mom bought for him
after his real ones got knocked out from a baseball bat. Lance told the principal
in 8th grade that the guy was the acid dealer, not himself (when he was the actual dealer). At least
his family has quick cash for fake teeth.
In addition, this group has a strong "scam code" to not tell on each other. When I was younger
almost none of these people had jobs or a place until they were 30, so drugs and scams
are their trade skills. Some of them have jobs now - even reputation based positions with commission.
None of these poeple have ever worked jobs that require more then minimal training or require
long hours. They've had soft jobs landed to them because they're white and look good.
Who am I
It's no secret who I am. The people on this page will know who I am immediately. I'm not hiding, hi!
Since I'm the editor, I can choose to not list and link my name directly here.
These stories are from me, and I back them. Where I didn't directly see, I link evidence or
mention as such (hearsay).
This is no story about how high and perfect I've been.
I'm not worried about social stories that don't involve the risk of jail time or physical health.
If people have embarrassing, biased or partially true stories that I don't like, that's life.
Stories that cause me to lose money or bring danger to my health or freedom -> the people
described below pull this kind of stuff.
I'm going to be conducting a lot of interactions locally in the next year.
When I encounter someone that says there is a story about me that concerns them,
I have this page.
I hope this page is shared with a number of the story
spreaders and once they see the "death count" - I truely think they will question any
and everything from this crew. For example when I mentioned to John Boldt Lanny drugged a
teacher - look out - he's an idiot. John said "if Lanny did it, the teacher must have needed a
trip! Ha ha". Go Boldt go - Bob Adams was there as well, laughing it up - they looked and laughed
like it was the coolest thing they ever heard. These two eat, drink and live what Lanny says -
like the others on this list. I haven't been able to figure out why - fake front teeth are not
that cool.
I've asked and asked and asked for people to clean up the talk and the lies on me. The main response
I get when it's serious is I or we simply can't - we're all too lied in. I ask... "lied in" to what?
If you're repeating stories - about anyone - sourced from this group...
Please investigate or stop -
it's you and me that have believed these people in the past. It's hurt a lot of people. After reading
more about the murders, I hope you all see what I do - it's better to bust a scammer sooner then later.
This group of dealers encourage their clients to spread consistent stories - using their dealing
businesses for social advantage. Seems like a fair enough thing - get drugs and learn a little
"news". Don't spread "their" news until you verify it - and verification isn't because you heard it
again from another customer.
The Crew
Brad's the star of the show today - he's the one that falsifies background checks
for short term medical employees. Doane Hall of Fame QB used to have many connections in Lincoln for his
business. When Brad was visiting
Lincoln alone, he was running his operation; when with his wife he was not.
Hearsay story widely repeated long ago: An example of "Brad on the spot" in
junior high Brad had a car already and had bags of dope in the trunk. His parents came outside
and checked his trunk - found the dope. He immediately said it was Mark MacKenzie's dope.
Brad's family banned Mark from coming over for over a year - this part I was able to observe. What's neat about this?
Lance Rinne used to use my name for this purpose. Where Mark is Brad's "quick poop" button, I was Lance's - and
Lance needed one to use a "lot".
Lance, Brad and Mark synchronize stories (scams) - so you'll likely hear consistent content
from all three of these people. These people poison (I'd count someone being dosed with LSD
against their will as poison) and disease (I'd count sharing a dirty syringe with someone
in an operating room diseasing when you know you're sick) innocent people.
Brad paid a professional price for all these murders, but didn't see criminal or
personal property penalties. It's a ton of messed up lives with an uncurable disease,
and tens have died early deaths because of Brad.
I'm as guilty as Mark is about wanting and hoping Brad was a higher level person.
I was around Brad a decent amount, he lived near by, and I have to admit he was
kind of a scammer and dealer all the times I was around him. A higher level scammer
and dealer then most I had been around at least. Brad hungout with numerous
low class criminal people in Lincoln too
- which wasn't part of his athlete/college/public profile.
Brad do you remember Lanny's wedding where Lanny talked a ton of criminal garbage on me (false stories),
and you stood there and backed him. This was even before I told him I wasn't getting him a job.
Lanny and my mom (behind my back) had oozed (slept with one to get Rinne a job)
into Security Mutual Life's management and
talked them into letting me hire anyone I wanted to work with me at the company. It's rare
for someone under 25 to hire at a company like this. Security Mutual is one of my favorate companies.
This is what led me to not care that much about staying, if my "mommy" can go behind my back
and manipulate it's leaders, it's ugly. I didn't waste a moment and hired a bright person I met locally.
Three weeks later at Lanny's wedding, he is insisting he knows I have a job I can give him.
Two things, one I would quit if Lanny was hired and put near me, he's not a programmer and I was
working in c++/windows at the time. Second, I actually filled the job - it had been gone for weeks.
I hadn't talked to him in months - what a gap - he kicked me out. Said he never wanted to talk to me
again. Fine, I actually still walked around for 5 minutes with him - it was "his" day. He was
using Dr Ryan's sister as a stooge for his current scam - I was hitting on all the women at the
event and had to be booted. Oh well, I only went because Lanny and my mom both asked if I was going
every day for 2 weeks. I mean really, it was only trash at the wedding, I would have stayed
home and watched TV instead - the only thing remotely interesting was "bright" scammers like Brad.
I wasn't even aloud at SML to respond to what was said - it was taken as truth ... from Lanny to
SML Mgmt and others on staff at work - secret stories. What were they? I should at least get to know that.
So Lance thinks I would just hold a position open for 3 weeks? And even though I am shaming
the mgmt of the SML, they are a spectacular group of brains and class. I just
don't see how mommy and Lanny pushed you all over. It's almost funny. This almost got me
fired, my boss Dave, brought me in, and first thing I "got" (after being told I
need to work on the hitting on women thing) said is no one told me until the wedding.
He said say no more, as he's the one that told me a few weeks before to hire who I wanted to
work with me.
One story is
I have trouble hitting on women, and I did ask one to dance that I didn't see was with someone,
and I'll take my foul on that - I tend to think she was one of the prettiest females I went to school
with. Then Lanny played some games - after he told me he never wanted to talk to me again, he led
me around to another female to set it up so he could boot me. Fine, I don't care that much,
he called me like every day for a week before the wedding - but short "are you coming" calls.
From what I heard later he seems to think I should be paying more attention - I wasn't around.
I worked all the time already at this point, and people that just do drugs and hangout
hoping for a cake job wasn't really my group. This didn't cause me any danger, but this
is a case where my reputation was damaged, and the relationship between one of my favorite
companies and me. (I played peewee football as a kid for the company team even).
This same garbage happened several times at different companies over the years. Just stay away from
me please, after all the garbage both my mom and Lanny talk on me, then chase me around at
companies and everything else. Stinky.
WTF were the stories anyways? They were so bad you were shocked even, both you and Shawn stood there
with your mouths hanging wide open in shock.
Triage Staffing got to grow wildly with Brad's innovative technique of
tossing out background checks for drug users.
The other two co-founders today get to ride a wave of success and money - driven from
drugs and crime... at least use the name of the firm you merged with? I think the Triage
name has drug blood on it.
Any operation that currently has Triage Staffing Employees - run background checks
again. Once a hepetitis outbreak occurs, it's a lot of money and time to track down the
technician or nurse.
Triage's original crew has simply renamed their original corporation to keep paying Brad.
Old Triage Staffing still
making bucks from getting people sick.
This is Brad's junkee buddy that directly infected hundreds of people with
hepetitis from his own blood. He testified under oath he knew he was sick
and sickening patients from his blood. He's been convicted of murder.
After already having been fired multiple times from hospitals for documented
drug offenses, he couldn't find a job. He heard about Brad and Triage in Omaha,
that Brad was magic and always found a way to get people jobs. He contacted Triage
specifically requested Brad, and magically managed to get a position at Triage
as a medical technician.
As far as someone who does others with drugs, this is how Lanny was caught tripping in
junior high - Lance Rinne dosed a teachers coffee with a hit of LSD so the teacher could trip with him.
The teacher noticed he was starting to trip and went hunted down the tripping students.
Smart call Lanny. Dont push drugs on others. No one admitted to dosing the teacher,
but Lanny told me he did, and Dale said he didn't - if it wasn't Lanny it would have had to
of been Dale.
Out of context, but since I'm revealing some who donit from way back - it was Aaron O that
tossed the spit wad that covered the clock almost completely, maybe short 1/8" at most on
each side. It was a perfect centered toss. After a while when old (and known as hard of hearing) Dr. R turned a bit and and looked up at the clock, he tossed
down the chalk, walked over, grabbed his coat and walked down to the office 10 days into second semester in 8th grade.
He retired early and we never saw him again, we had some people in those Pound classes. Dr R was a perfectly nice
teacher and Aaron a perfectly nice guy, it was just a silly mix. Mr F, the other science teacher raced into the room like 10 minutes
later, the whole class was chatting, laughing and having a good time - we had won. Mr F pulled me a couple other students out of the class
and took us down to the principal and asked us who tossed the wad. We didn't tell.
An admission, on the day the students were tripping and the teacher pulled them out of class,
I was tripping too, but didn't get pulled out. I got to finish the school day. At lunch, which
I lived close to the school so I got to walk home, my mom was home - the only time ever. I'm pretty sure this is
when the other students were fetched. I didn't confess on the day a wad retired a teacher, that was funny
and I hope Mr F c"LPD officer"s out a bit, he was super cool, it wasn't that big a deal. The day someone dosed a teacher with acid,
I wasn't in the principals office that day. I had already been pretty much disowned from the previous summer drinking too much
Jack Daniels with Dale and ending up in the hospital - 100% my fault and 200% destructive to my family. My dad didn't want me back and I didn't really want to have to come back after
spending a few weeks in Iowa. This wouldn't change for decades - I wasn't home much after that. Our family already had interesting
situations I hadn't caused and I wanted out. I wasn't ever trying to die, I just wanted to live somewhere else since I was very young.
The one thing my parents, my father once too even, would do is get me out of trouble, so I would mess up with drugs and
alcohol many more times until I moved out after high school - but never really tripping up because of it.
Convicted coke dealer and former UCLA golf team captain
now working as the face of a bank.
Brian is a story spreader - to more elite circles.
Brian hung out with me after he was convicted but before he went to prison - although
he never told me about - and even lied when he went to prison - claims he was moving
to sell phones.
My guess is he was developing victims to try to scam to get himself out of trouble.
My opinion is if he just got the stuff done, this could have been a 1-2 year deal total;
instead by screwing around and fighting, he was almost 30 when he got out of jail.
Was it a wasted life? What was he going to do anyways, he's a loan officer; what
do they actually do that is hard - I guarantee you he's not underwriting.
Brian continues to operate and socialize with Brad. I can't see how a
commercial banker would want to operate with an accessory to murder and drug dealing cohort.
Brian closely associates with John Boldt and Robert Adams, in addition to Brad and Lanny.
Hearsay: The drug Brian was busted for was GHB - not coke. I'm not sure on this, but
it seemed a long prison term for how rich his family is, and how decent his back story was -
UCLA golf captain at the time, etc. It might have been GHB. The source of information is bad,
but it does seem a stretch for 3 years for a first offense situation, and I also heard
he narced off David S to try to reduce the charges with the narc. But David wasn't
his dealer, so maybe that backfired and caused him even more trouble anyways. I find this
the most likely, as if a scam is possible, people on this list do it. Scamming someone else,
by turning in a pot dealer as your coke supplier is just the type of thing Brad and Brian do.
David told me like 20 cops came to bust him, covered every window, etc. My guess is they were
there to take down a hard core dealer and found some pot. My guess is the LPD, once again,
had games played with it. Go LPD! The LPD when not pushed around by local rich families, is a very
smart and active organization - I'm telling you I know it for sure, and scammers should head
to other towns. Although that's what Brad did, and look how that went.
Neat thing about Mark is he hit a kid at a job before this one with an ice truck ... wouldn't take the drug
test, so they fired him and he found a job at this place.
Mark doesn't see an issue in spreading I'm a narc. I've got
a ton of hearsay routes. I swear the rumour is false. Mark's current company is
fine with him spreading this at work - they're happy to repeat it and "warn" their friends about me.
Class organization - upgrading a Mark level rumor to Williamson Honda Truth.
I'm "fairly" sure this rumour started with John Boldt and
transferred heavily thru Mark and Bob Adams. Lots and lots of spread.
Mark are you trying to kill me? The real stuff behind your rumour is MEAN. So you have the real stories?
The ones that say I should die? Why? The real joke is Mark was a youth football coach and drug dealer -
and he's busy spreading lies I'm a drug dealer and a narc? Wake up. When have I ever dealt drugs Mark? To who?
If you're a member of a buyers group that frequents Honda of Lincoln, PLEASE STOP. The people
running this carlot today had nothing to do with building it - they're simply a bunch of
coke heads living on free commission - lets get some new carlots and give some
hardworking people a chance. The buyers groups have been cute, but now it's just a
drug hole that drinks your money. The buyers groups built this place, time to build
something new!
This is the Mark that Brad called a dealer as a kid. This same Mark still idolizes Brad. Mark and Brad
started doing drugs in the (at most) 7th grade. Mark flunked 7th grade. I don't think Mark is stupid.
I think it was drugs, but from time to time, I wonder if it was both. Mark spreads secret stories
that aren't supposed to retold (to me), and the source is secret too. The carlot he works at
spread his stories - including the one about me being a narc. I don't think Mark actually
understands scams can lead to serious trouble. Mark, would you please actually read
through what happened with one of Brad's scams? PLEASE. Mark views himself as a 1st class
citizen of this scam crew, but actually I think he's a 2nd tier player that
mostly functions as a story spreader and filler for social events. Mark and Lanny
are probably the two people who have talked about me the most in history. While
talk about social events is irritating, and some of the stories are partially true at
best, scamming on a social story isn't what I'm talking about here. I'll live with
the social talk - even if Mark and Lanny have hardly been around me since high school.
In fact, I've never been around Mark directly very much, he just loves to talk
about me in conversations as if he's been a friend. Mark where do your stories come from?
Do your stories even map to real ones - like time frames, places? I was out of the
state and out of the country almost half the time from 19-25. You were never around
me, so you probably don't realize there are large gaps when I wasn't even in town.
Check out your stories on me, they certainly weren't recorded with your eyes, but
probably your ears, and probably from Brad or Lanny. Honda people who smooze my mom
and spread garbage on me? I take it heavier then the others - eventhough I
haven't talked to my mom, I do feel there is a special level of scammy slime
when people are friendly to a lady at the same time spreading scams on her son.
Slime. Mark was a head football coach for a midget football team - a position
he only got because of his best friends dad - not earned or deserved.
I think most anyone else would have been a better example for kids ... check
the death count Mark. I heard Mark had Brad come out and help coach
a few practices with the QBs. While I'm sure Brad is a good QB coach,
I'm not sure he should be around young people ever again.
Mark stop being John Boldt's mouth piece. Your breath is starting to smell real bad
- that happens from giving too many trombones to him.
It's small change for Mark to repeat lies that endanger me, but
when the truth puts him at risk - that's a big deal. If you care so much about
the safety of the people around you - why put innocent people in danger?
Do you actually believe the people on this list, or are simply a tool
that spreads their garbage? I'm pretty sure you're just a cheap tool - not worthless -
worse - risky.
Mark you have sold drugs to me -> I swear on my life - and you run around
calling me a dealer, a narc and a thief? Based on what? Stories you
heard? You coached youth sports and dealt drugs - ugly - why run around and lie too?
Selling some small amounts of drugs isn't a big deal - but why smear others when
the lies you spread are true about yourself?
Mark please don't forget it was you who decided to put my life at risk - while I'm pretty sure
I've never done a thing like that to you. So now you're mad? I still haven't put a threat
on your life or the people around you - can you say the same? Do you even understand
what you repeat (that you could not have seen!) can get others hurt?
Mark trusts these people that dose school teachers with acid to repeat their stories
as truth?
Sad truth is Mark sold drugs when he was the head coach of a youth football team -
what a quality example of a person. He went to extra effort one time to connect to me
when I was coaching for another organization - one I worked for as an employee also. Mark
is busy hyping up his coaching spot - behind my back accusing me of dealing drugs when
it was actually him. What a joke, I made plenty of money - pretty much since I was a kid
tossing papers - but I really made enough at this point to not be a dealer. This group and
their ability to deal drugs and tell lies is special.
Ryan Hobelman honorable mention here for specifically when Rinne was dealing acid.
Who does Jeff work for? Who supports this garbage by paying him?
Jeff has cost me ~$1000 recently in bills - it would be nice to see this employer donate 10x that amount
to charites for drug abusers - meth is bad and Jeff and Lanny have done their part. Time to pay back some.
Jeff threatened to shut me up if I talked about Lance Rinne. I asked Jeff in
a rude manner to retract the threat. He called the police (which is fine).
Jeff told the police he did no such thing (I heard
via the cop that came over to take me in for a mental eval - more later).
Jeff's special place here is he helps connect to LPD children - so he can get them meth.
Jeff I simply
suggest you retract your threat. And apologize for it. Lance Rinne spread scam stories on me
(in addition to being a meth dealer). There is no reason to back your meth dealer
who also started you on meth. Wake up.
It was in Carrie's basement where you levelled the threat if you need a location, which I told the cop, although
I haven't yet pressed charges. I would have just taken you down but I
was still hoping this garbage would pass at that time - and trust me
this is an open war and it's a bad choice to have an open threat on me.
That's garbage. I'm not scared. And outside of your complete fasicination
with Lanny, you seem a straight laced and clean person. Read all of this please Jeff.
Do you even know the real story on Lanny's teeth?
Please make it right, or I won't shutup. I let a lot of things go,
but Lance is junk, and a threat to stop me from clearing up the lies ... it's wrong.
Jeff, I get you want to make Lanny and his crew as beautiful and big as possible.
I happen to think because of this, you're a completely worthless piece of poop. Refer
to all the dead people that can happen from letting scammers roll. I can already here you
say that wasn't Lanny. Ya, i got ya, keep his secret stories rolling.
I remember Lanny telling some stories, then your family banning from
inside the house, and Carrie too. Oh well, but I asked you what the story
even was - you wouldn't even say. Lanny came out a bit later - and all
he said is you know I've told a lot of lies, I had to. And that was it.
That's the last time I ever talked to Lanny. I get you bragged up not letting
me in the house, whatever, I'm so hurt, I don't care. I'd like to know what I did
.... because I don't think I did it. I don't get that minimum respect from you?
And you'll repeat secret stories
from an acid dealer. Should anyone ever respect you again? I have a $1k bill
from the ER - I cooperated with the cop you sent so LPD knows I'm fine. I'd like to
know what you said to get a cop to try to lock me in the mental ward... lol.
I might actually use that one if I learn - never said I was perfect.
But as far as I'm concerned one of the companies on this list is paying that bill -
I'm starting with the one you work for. Think of it as Mexico paying for the wall,
except I'm not Trump.
Watch out who you're scamming
and what for - in the future if you scam the wrong person you may get your
teeth knocked out (upcoming story on Rinne). Rinne sold acid in junior high,
got busted. The females he sold it to didn't narc him out and were expelled for good.
Dale Nelson and Lanny narced out an innocent (although tripping)
new student at the school. Wrecked his life. I guess it's all even since
got hit Rinne in the face with a bat. Ya, his front teeth fake - "a bad drug deal"
kind of descibes the real story. His story is he tripped and ate a concrete curb,
lost 6 teeth and his parents paid for top dollar fakes. Didn't your dad work
at the Penn? Must have been a nice deal for Brian to have a friend on staff.
Dale and Lanny only had to go home for the day since they narced. But it wasn't the
right person. I know the right persons name, no need to pull him in here, although
he's not really a friend of mine, he's someone I don't believe spreads false garbage
for no reason. You know what happened Shannon, I got completely sick of these scams,
and I hoped in the past you were decent. I just really have no reason to think that now.
I still hope.
Edit note: the previous person was removed as they really aren't a part of this and
were simply in the picture - the blah blah about them in here was revenge based only, so it's out.
Will there be more chapters?
1 - Lanny, Shawn, and at least the Wolfe brothers
2 - Lanny, Barry Hemminger, Ryan Hobelman (scammed Kari's widowed mom and tried to blame me) and Ryan
Isherwood (DRs shouldn't push drugs with Rinne)
3 - Lanny, John Boldt (another medical professional), Bob Adams,
Dale Nelson, Rex Anderson, Tim Glazer, and Tim Trainor
-- this group has a massive consistent story that I was a major dealer and narc - and I can't even
get the whole story from people myself, they just don't want in it. This entire group has synchronized this lie
and put my life at risk. They are worried about there lives and reputations. What about my safety - you all brought
this to me..... let's clean this up. I believe it is to cover up their own activities - get the scam off my back.
This isn't about me screwing you, it's me gettig you people OFF MY BACK. STOP USING MY NAME. When under threat, and
I don't even know, think about what that did to everyone else around me. I can't let this go on.
-- more as needed if stories come to mind
Barry Hemminger and Ryan Hobelman have MADE MANY enforcement threats and messages against me if I talk about Rinne.
I request you clear this up - you're both handy individuals and I am nervous. There are MANY witnesses
of these threats - and until I hear it's done, I consider you both active threats to my life. I know you
both were involved in the acid flow in junior high - you're freaks. I believe in my heart when you
made the threats they were both serious and forever. Ryan Hobelman is subject to anger problems and he has
a very dirty background, very close to Rinne. Hobelman knows how dirty Rinne really is, and he's a huge defender.
So it Isherwood and Hemminger. But those 2 aren't as dumb as Hobelman, he actually thinks acid dealing is cool ... ha ha.
Ryan Hobelman is a real low class scam - I'm not sure if he or Dale Nelson is the bigger liar and thief. While Dale stole
for drugs, Ryan was more of a scam and snake to impress Lance. Ryan is one of the best liars I have ever seen,
it is what he can do.
WTF do you idiots talk about me, when there is simply ugly stuff - and lots out there. It's probably
why you all talk about me - keep the attention off of yourselves with lies. Sure there is a little
truth some times in what you say - but mostly lies to scam. Scam a widow? She was scrubbing floors to make it with 2
kids in a small apartment - not an isse for Ryan. Lets scam her, she's a grown up. Hobelman got the honor
of walking me out of Lanny's wedding - he was busy telling me in my ear it was for hitting
on women - and repeating it - expecting me to go with it. Whatever, I almost got fired over it. In fact,
in many ways I lost a number of quality connections at work from this game. Do you not like being on here Ryan -
is it not good for your image? Was not a concern should I lose a job. Your salary was posted online
a few years ago when the state DB leaked. I earned more then you already way back at Lanny's wedding,
so I could care less about your "job" now.
Barry and Ryan have threatened to shut me up as well as Jeff. Scarey part is I don't think they could take
me 1 on 1 in a fight - either - so how would they do it? Is that threat still here? I consider it is.
Tim Trainor threatened me not to talk about John Boldt the same way Jeff O'Gorman threatened me not to talk
about Lance Rinne. Hmmm, why are John and Lance putting threat on me?
I had no job to give Rinne. No F'n way would I have hired him anyways - refer to football.
I think his
scam plan was to get me to give him a job and kick me out. Was well run really, regular for you all,
if that's how you want to do your wedding - "scam style". I'm sure Hobelman knows Lanny narced out
an innocent person in 8th grade as an acid dealer - backs him "unconditionally" as spoken to me a few times.
Lanny and Hobelman are in on everything together - quote from both of them to me, more then once.
The guy wasn't an acid dealer, he got kicked out of normal school for good. Am I lying Hobelman?
He was a VERY cool guy too (should it matter - he was actually innocent). "M." was the older person
(and VERY good friend of Ryan) - this guy sold A LOT of LSD to Pound Junior High students
and I believe supplied Rinne - because he sold lots of it for quite a while. To the suppliers
defense - the kids at Pound "loved" drugs and actually could handle the acid decently.
Not looking to pull him in (scares me and I've never seen
him really spread a story on anyone)- but Hobelman and him are buddies. What REALLY HURT
guy that got narced is they said he needs to narc off his guy. He didn't have a guy to
narc off - other then Rinne. The school wanted the "older" person that supplied acid to
pre teens. Why don't I share the name? It's a scarey thing - I think acid for kids is bad.
Maybe one for history - can we clear the innocent acid dealer? I realize he's let this go as
the best deal he could get at the time was knock out Rinne's teeth. And this makes sense to
this group. My guess is he's still ok, knocking those teeth out had to feel and look good.
I tend to think the record should show he's innocent as well. The teeth knockout option should
be just "makeup" for the scam, not to also eat the legend. I heard the guy has the teeth "pieces"
that busted out from the hit. Can I buy a bit of it? I mean I doubt I have to worry about
you scamming me with a tooth from a corpse like the rest of this group. I will work weeks
and weeks to pay if needed - this would become the first piece of jewelry I ever make.
NOTE: These broken teeth should not be in this persons pocession - so this is not a
request to buy body parts - yet - if Rinne comes out with the true story, then this is a
request for some of the teeth for free.

SERIOUS SCAM CREW! - next chapter soon...

Takes time to remember and write, then link stuff. I'll get it done though.
Mike P if you see this and want in the story, your call, you moved a few weeks after telling me things are
completely f**ked up and staring at Rinne. Mike kind of blamed Rinne on me a little bit - not for Rinne
but for HTF did we get him? BTW in the next chapter we'll cover the David R trade for Rinne. Rinne
found his wife and led a terrific group of people to a much lower place. I went on to college and was
for the most on campus (wonderful stuff). The people in Rinne's new group listened and believed his
stories and spread them. It sucked, but at the same time a gap was forming between Rinne and me,
and only one more time would a super effort (via mommy and SML) would there be an attempt to close it.
I made the mistake of messing with Barry Hemminger and Ryan Isherwood along with Rinne in our senior year.
Barry and Ryan Isherwood went all in with Rinne, scamming me and the football team at every step. Ryan
even became a doctor. Do you still come back and fill his hero hole Ryan? Proud of your role
in the death count. Being a doctor doesn't change that you helped deal drugs and scam people.
The two of them teamed up with Rinne to push drugs on sophomores. While it was pot in some cases,
doctors like drugs and Isherwood and Rinne did the true pushing from what I saw first hand. Barry
is still an elusive enforcer, but I think he has some moral level, allow it's not higher then even
Shawn's I don't think. This was one empty cold crowd that wanted to infect hard drugs on others.
Lets just say it turned out maxmimum bad. I took my shot with Rinne, he asked to run along with me in football.
I'm sure Barry and Ryan think he it was a wonderful thing. He ended up using mommy behind my back with a bunch
of lies to get on the field. Cost us the playoffs, he in 12 plays, he allowed 4 touchdowns. Lincoln High
went to the playoffs, who we beat with the same record. Barry thought was it was ok. We had a chance for numberous
more scholarships, but Barry didn't care, as it was neat Lanny got to play. Barry - do you believe had we
made the playoffs, would even one more person on that team have gotten a small ball scholarship? I doubt you
do Barry, but I believe you helped screw over a number of people we graduated with at a chance for a better start.
Ya, Barry you're making it into the next one. Barry do you see all the dead people? Keep helping Rinne and Brad
scam. I did react, I got pissed off in practice and started hitting people. I hit a sophomore player
who turned out to be a very important person in sports and business. A first class person. To this person
I apologize, this violence that I layed out in practice was not related to you, and you were a third party
innocent victim of anger due to Rinne and mommy lieing and making deals behind my back. Senior year football,
where I was a captain, should have been my year to enjoy. Instead Rinne and mommy teamed up to f it up.
While I could get over that, I hate the idea we probably could have won at least one playoff game
and provided opportunities to people we grew up with. Nice job Barry, I look at Barry as the person I wanted
to trust. Barry is a scammer with Lanny, Barry, I hope the world returns the favors to you that you helped
lay on our class with Lanny. Lanny was a f'n acid dealer - and I 100% believe you know most of this. Shawn at
least had some heart, and Mike, but I'm starting to look at Barry as a chip off the Lanny and Brad block at
this point. Mommy did mothering by sleeping around and getting other people to watch me and mess with me.
I had to disconnect from most people in my life due to these events - when your own mom is one of the biggest
scammers in town it's hard. Did I mention she had a heavy hand in destroying a 3 billion dollar bank
and costing at least 500 jobs. At least she got to tool around, help Lance and screw me over.
Oh, and the bank - and it's employees. If mommy is still alive (she could be dead, been 10 years since
I talked to her - directly for this Lanny and Mark garbage - she won't even listen to what I have to say
about Mark's place of work (Mark using it as a poop spreader) or Lanny) - could you please read
up on the Brad stuff. Scams kill people mommy. I'm again sorry to the sophomore I hit very hard -
probably causing a concussion. As the week went, I learned more about the scam
and I'm eternally sorry and can't replace my lack of knowledge. I've parted from the scammers, including my mom.
The one more is to cover Lanny well, 1 year, 2 guys, 4 DUIs and one ton of meth. Their apartment
seemed like it had a white dust layer everywhere just from so tossed down and snorted there. When
I rolled to parties with these toons - once after they both had 2 DUIs, white was everywhere
in their world - no reason for them to use their car to move it. 4 DUIs and no meth found -
would seem they were just drunks. Shawn moved away forever.
I'm a busy person trying to generate business and create jobs - literally.
If this works well enough that people that have been repeating the deluge of stories about me
originating from this group (David K is innocent in this regard) no longer value this group
high enough to listen to. In fact, many people may question if they've been misled and
suffered their own consequences. Beyond me, many others have suffered, as these notes show.
In the past these stories have had a detrimental effect on my professional career and relationships
in the local area. I've been willing to eat that damage until now.
There is 10-15 more of Lanny's customers I could group up and write stories I remember. So there could
be more chapters - and they will probably be funner, this is the only one with murder in it (that I know of) so far.
There are a lot of scam stories I could clear up, I honestly think Lance committed a decent percentage of
his life making and spreading stories on me. He's was "that friend" for me. The one where
Ryan Hobelman scammed a widow for some bucks (next chapter) - Lanny had a hand in.
And Finally - this page is for Reputation Destruction. I've asked and asked and asked and asked for people to
stop spreading scams on me.
My only option is to destroy the reputation of the story tellers, and backers.
While revenge is in the pen and ink, the purpose of this page is to protect my reputation going forward.
* - totals are calculated totals from various press articles. They are subject to error.